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E526 Donald Trump

E526 Donald Trump

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Donald J. Trump, Theo Von
27 Clips
Aug 20, 2024
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I have some tour dates to tell you about. I'll be in Las Vegas Nevada over Labor Day weekend. If you're going to be there, then I will too. I'll be in Bend, Oregon Spokane Washington, Portland Oregon van coover in the Canada, Oklahoma City North Little Rock Springfield, Missouri, Kansas City, Missouri, Sioux Falls, La Crosse Green Bay Moline, Lafayette.
Louisiana and Beaumont, Texas all tickets through theäôve on.com slash tou are and thank you so much for your support. I can't thank you enough, you know, my ninth grade civics. Teacher Barbara Olinger would be tickled to know that one of her students is getting a sit-down with a president today. So I just want to speak her name. She taught me to care about
Country and I still do today's guest is the 45th president of the United States of America and he's currently running for president on the Republican ticket. He's been an entrepreneur a businessman a television personality. We sat down at his Club in Bedminster, New Jersey and we want to thank the crew there for helping us make the production happen. He's one of the most famous people on
on Earth and I'm grateful for this chance to learn more about the man behind the headlines. Today's guest is Donald Trump.
to but your thing is going really great. My son's a big fan of you is Baron really bearing is yeah. Oh my God.
He just graduated high school.
Right, right. He just did it. It knows you very well. He said dad. He's big. Wow, big one. That's cool. That's what I do. That's where it is nowadays, right?
Yeah. Well, it's interesting, you know. Yeah, I can't believe that we're able to get platforms and we started in my kitchen and then yet it's evolved out of there. That's fantastic. I mean, it's pretty unbelievable.
What does barren place you want to start?
You go ahead and we're going to be rolling. Yeah, sure good
yet. It's on um, you know, just Barren
Place sports or anything it does he plays golf and different sport soccer loves soccer. Very good at soccer. He's a good athlete Aaron. Yeah is he going to go to has already picked a college
or now he has and
he's getting set to go in the fall good college, very good one and he was always a very good student. He smart smart guy
which one of yeah, like which one of your kids
He's like yeah, what's something you admire about each one of your
Well, Don is a hunter. He's a great great Hunter and knows everything about that world and guns and all it was the first one that said dad boy. You got lucky because I didn't realize that 130 yards is actually very close and that parlance and he said you got lucky he knew immediately when he saw that he said it's incredible because that's considered a pretty close distance from how far the shooter was. Yeah.
Yeah. Oh, yeah, that wasn't a bad shooter supposedly, you know, it's very disturbed he guy but he wasn't a bad shooter and Eric likewise. He loves the business. He loves real estate also very much of a hunter and understands a lot of things about that. They were sort of as young guys they were with their grandfather and he would take them hunting and Czechoslovakia and somehow they developed very well and
Czechoslovakia, and I imagine it's a lot of letters
It's a long time. It's a name. You don't hear too much anymore. But it was I
need a scope just to get through the spelling of that
word. Yeah, but so he'd go they'd spend time in Europe and that do that. That's where he learned a lot about both of them really good with your dad. They would go no grandfather. Actually, the the had a grandfather who was a wonderful Outdoorsman and athlete and during the summary take them out into the woods and they
Go hunting and lots of things and they loved it. They got to love it. And that's done. And that's Eric. Yeah, they're funny. Oh, yeah, they have a good sense of
humor to like whenever I see them at UFC. It's like oh, right. Yeah, just like the first time I was nervous I think and then after that when I was seeing him, it's like it's fun to kind of cut up with him a little
bit. Yeah. Well, they're good. They're good guys, and they they really get along great with the rest of the family. We all get along great. We have a good family and but I love you. I say we you talk about
A great guy. How about Dana White? Yeah job. He does,
right? Yeah. I do. Y'all want to thank Dan it to for helping get us set up together. Yeah, he makes it happen. I like Danny. He's he's he doesn't waste words. He doesn't waste time. He likes Thai thing be efficient. And he likes he has a seems like a strong sense of Integrity for himself.
Nobody like him. Actually, it's you know, there's an expression that everybody is replaceable not Dana. Nobody could do anything.
As and he's made that sport into a big monster sport. Yeah, and it's interesting and we go there and we enjoy it go with him. Sometimes we do Walk-Ons with Dana and place sort of likes it. Oh, yeah. I've been there. Yeah, but did video
I was in behind you in one-one video. I'm sure the dogs here. We'll pull it up. But yeah, those are so on favor that doesn't want favorite things ever. It became UFC became my favorite sport during the pandemic because Dana was brave enough to stay open. You know whose
it he was a whole ball game.
Is the only Sport and he it opened up in arenas with nothing other than very good Fighters. Yeah, and they would be by the he had some of the best fights during the pandemic. Yeah, but he was exceptional there. It is right there. See
look. Oh, yeah Warren, I'm right behind you there. Oh
great. That's right. The white guy in the Hat is right. That's
great. Yeah, I mean there's a lot of us there, but I was one of them for sure. That's right. Yes, he that's me, right the
Explorer, doesn't it hurt?
Yeah. I'm a Dustin Poirier fan.
So he's great. He was boy. I tell he's a warrior.
Sure that last fight he had whether you like it or not. He is a warrior.
Yeah. Yeah, it felt like he didn't get the he didn't get the victory but it didn't feel like he
lost now. He didn't lose that fight. He really the man he was fighting was tough. It was tough and didn't expect that same fight. But he often times will he he makes people suffer. There's no question about no, he's all he's all he's a pro. He's a
professional. He's all heart. He's from Louisiana. That's right
as that fight went along. He just got stronger.
Stronger and he was getting pounded and he was going to be choked out about four different times and he just wouldn't let it happen. Now you say hello to him. He's good. Yeah, I want to make sure he's a really great fighter. Then he cooks Thanksgiving dinner every year. Oh, well, maybe I'll have to go sometimes. Oh, yeah. I mean he might do good
food. He does. Yeah, it doesn't good stuff over there. Yeah. What was it for Jim over like the first fight to you ever went to whether it was UFC or boxing or
anything. I do it was Joe Frazier.
Medalie in Madison Square Garden many many years ago and I think it was the first fight I went to I like I was like the boxing. How old were you remember boy? I don't know you can deduct it for what I am now, but it was a long time ago, but they were two undefeated Fighters. They were both undefeated Muhammad became a friend of mine. So did Joe a joltin Joe? He was they were two great Fighters that had fight was incredible. I think they had like many
Heart attacks at night literally heart attacks in Madison Square Garden English Madison Square Garden, and the fight was so unbelievable to undefeated heavyweight champions of the world. There was no UFC and there was no competition really was it? Yeah. And so you had two guys remember that Muhammad was allowed to fight because of lots of different things and he was a terrific guy. Both terrific guys, very
differently made it happen. They finally made it
to undefeated heavyweight.
Wait Champions fighting and who
took you to the fight you remember
I went with my father and my brother Robert and it was just I don't know. I must have been very young. It was a long time ago, but how you would never forget it that was one of those moments. Oh, you know literally it was like many heart attacks in the
arena if people having too much fun or what do you think just drawing
heart attacks? Because it was such a crazy event. It was so the people would just I know a friend of mine father.
He went he had a bad heart attack. Literally. They took him out. They were taking people out. It's early wish you and I don't hear that. Anyway me there were others exciting sporting event. I don't think there's ever been I don't know. I guess that has but you would think Joe Frazier Muhammad Ali their first fight, but it was a very exciting to
and his people being I guess she has sometimes our systems aren't ready to handle the amount of excitement that's going on. You know, like I think like yeah, maybe people just couldn't even handle so much joy you think
You think it was that people were so
excited. They had heart attacks and they just had I guess they do. It may be Super Bowls or
something. Oh people have heart attacks eaten a thick soup, you know, so it's like I'm not surprised that something so awesome like that would make your heart be like, yeah. I'm
out. Yeah, but I never hear of it. You know, I'm sure it happens just that one. But we had an exciting event the other night with Elon Elon Molly and Me. Well, listen, we had a pretty big audience for that one - yeah.
Yeah, I'll listen for a probably about like 20 minutes. I thought it was cool. It was I think the tough part was just like a just like it would have been nice if you guys could have in the same spot, you know, but I guess I heard the
audio is great. And actually they put out a clear tape of it because it had clear tape. Oh nice. They had so many millions and millions of people watching like record numbers of people and I'm trying to figure out where on a cell phone or I was and you know, that's a lot of people coming into a cell phone one way or the other. Yeah.
Yeah, but I heard some people had a problem with the Audio. I don't know. I don't do that thing, you know that was done and we had a great conversation was for 2 hours and 15 minutes. They just put out a clear tape of it a perfect tape of them. But like I said out of it, I think I sounded somebody said your voice was distorted or something and and you know, I guess it happens. Look it was such a big thing such a big audience, but I would have I would have loved to have seen the clear tape originally they
It out right after the show. So now it's a clear tape where a perfect tape done there. Yeah, but when it goes through different phone systems and everything else you think if we were together that doesn't happen then because I think his voice was more clear that it maybe because he was the one
who was like initiating the call. I'm not sure. Yeah. I'm not sure about how all that works. But yeah, I know that imposed a lot of times they can tighten things up and make it better. You know, I yeah, it's amazing how Elon like the cost of have really have your own voice in
The world is forty four billion dollars basically. Well, if you want to have your voice like, you know, I'm saying he has his own like he has his own channel
and he does what he wants to do. Yeah. He's a fantastic guy and he's a brilliant person and the country should be very proud of them. Actually. I have truth which has been very successful through social media to Sasha and that's been very successful in getting my voice out where I needed a voice because you know, I was on Twitter and I was on
Instagram I was on all of it and I was on Facebook and when you add it up I had I was told by Joker Berg and others it was like record-setting type of numbers and then one day I didn't have anything because they canceled they canceled. This is a collusion there, right? It was it was a pretty bad thing. And so I had nothing so after about a month you don't have a lot of things to say and after about a month I said, you know what I'm going to do. I'm going to just go out and put
Doubt an old public relations statement you you remember that and although you're a little young to say but in the old days you'd put out a statement and I did and it was just gobbled up. It was actually really gobbled up and I open truth and truth is become terrific actually for me my form. I really want just to supply from I mean, it's more important than anything else in will you have your voice then you could say well game is that my voice back? Yeah. I had hundreds of millions of people even now I haven't been too active on.
X but I have I guess 90 some odd million people on it and but I was much higher than that when I was
all the older people. I mean how many people there are
yeah, it's been it's been but I love the job he's done and he's brought a certain voice back into into play. Yeah, the previous people were terrible terrible. Yeah, every time you do a thing you'd be red-flagged it probably every statement you made you'd be red
flag. Yeah. They just it's almost like yeah, it's like when you have a babysitter and
They don't want to have any fun or
whatever. Yeah, that's kind of the vibe. I got
when you are. Yeah. See ya cuz I see you at the at the fights. I see you sometimes you'll see it right by Dana and sometimes I'll sit here like me. I'll go with like David Spade. Sometimes there's a close friend of mine and you know, so you coming with Kid Rock and yeah, you don't drink at the
fight. You know, he could know it Kid Rock is he's terrific. He came to the convention. He knocked him. He knocked everybody out. He was and he's a great guy. He's just a great guy. He's he's
Beyond a very popular all he saw he's
definitely he's a real dirt serpent to did the freaking Legend, you
know, he's he's a legend he is a legend I guess in a true
sense 100% people love him dude. Look at him. I went to his show not long ago somewhere and people I think some got a heart attack there too, but it was like funnel cake related. I think type of Vibes
he draws big crowds. Actually. It's amazing. I said one he was at some place recently.
At 80,000 people he's if he's mixed up but he's really forget about that. I call him Bob. You know, right? It's Bob Kid Rock, but it's Bob but he's a really good guy and he
also called cat, right? Oh, yeah. I mean I live in Nashville right when I got in a town. He yeah, he hit me up one night and was like, hey man, I'm having a birthday party this weekend. You should come and I didn't even know him, you know, and it was nice of him. And since then we've done a lot of fun stuff together his brothers missing a leg. Just great.
He looks like the lamp. Have you ever seen that movie the lamp like from like Christmas story or
whatever matter? Yeah, but he's fantastic the family the father. I knew very well. He just passed away and it was tough when he knew his dad for the brother I did and he was he was fantastic. I got to know him through knowing Bob and I tell what it's just a fantastic family the whole family.
No, I love Bobby. No joke around together a lot. We've spent a lot of time together. Look at his brother right there. That's right,
dude hit and you know what, he plays golf and he
He plays well, he hit a perfect drive with me. I said you play we're on the 17th hole said you play is yes. I said, oh really? You want to hit a shot and he said, okay and he got up what was very hard for him to put the I mean, it was really a tough situation because he has to get the ball on the ground and the tree and everything else. Nobody did it for him.
And he did it and he goes to the ground and he did it gets up. He swung and I'm a good girl for heat a perfect shot out to the right with a little hook. Nobody knows what that means in your audience probably but that's like a perfect shot.
And I said that is perfect. He said I'll do it again. I said don't do it again because you'll never be able to hit a shot that good and it was really amazing. He's a he's great and and Bob
really do it again to his up with him. And yeah there they really
have an amazing family. They love Allah is
great Allah. I've been a parties at his house. You know, one thing that's really nice about him is I'll go do something with him and then like a few days later. He'll send a nice note or he'll send like a photo like a frame photos of just say, hey man, I had a nice time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, I noticed that the events you don't drink and you don't drink or smoke
right? I don't drink I smoke you never have. No, I never have had a great brother who taught me a lesson Don't drink don't drink and he said don't smoke. He smoked and he drank and he was a great guy. He was a handsome very handsome guy. Is he older or he was older quite a bit older? Yeah, and he would had a problem with alcohol and smoke a lot. But you know, I tell people no drugs. No drinking. No.
Yeah, I tell that to my kids all the time and say no drugs no drinking no smoking and it was tongue yet. Well, he'd always tell me it's a never so he was you know, really old enough that you would look up to somebody and I'd look up to him. Anyway you admire him. Yeah. I admired a lot so much about him. He had so much going had to look he has unbelievable personality like an incredible personality.
He was his name Donald. His name was Fred Fred Trump and he had a problem with alcohol. He got addicted to it because it's and you know, they say alcohol is tougher than drugs to get off of. I've I don't know if you've ever heard that I was in recovery.
Actually, I've been in I've been in recovery. So like most of the last 10 years from alcohol from drugs and alcohol
drug, which which is worse
for me drugs is the problem. But if I have a drink then I it's tougher for me to prevent myself from
Get it sets off a chain. Yeah, but is which is harder to quit I've heard alcohol is harder to quit than drugs if that makes
sense. I don't know. Yeah, I mean I can only imagine because it's probably more readily
available or really well and its social and you're sitting and everyone's drinking and all.
Yeah, really you go to a dinner and everybody's eaten like, you know Xanax or something, you know for appetizers usually people are having like a mint, you know with mint julep or something a little fancier Negroni. I just learned about right. But yeah,
so you have a problem.
Um with that that yeah. Oh, well
I bet it's been in my family my family. It's like yeah, can you
just can you stay away from it? Yeah.
I've done a good job. And you know, how long have you been off I go to recovery meetings. I've been off most recently two little over two years. Do you ever go back on? Yeah, I've had stance right go back on and
and and you don't control it. It's time it gets it goes down here to kidding. So you think it's going to be easy cure controlling
and then your damn. Yeah, you're doing good go-kart Embrace him with hookers and stuff.
Badge not to do it. Right
right. So then in the end you like after not do it. Did you see like with your brother? Did you could you see it or anything man?
I was amazed because he had so much going and everything going. I think he probably it happened in college at a fraternity maybe or I don't know somewhere along the line that happened and all of a sudden, you know, this is not unique. This is a very common story unfortunately, but
and then the family would see it and start to notice it and it didn't get better. It didn't get better. I was amazed, you know, he lived for so long in bad conditions, you know, in terms of I was amazed at his body could hold out and held out and it have bad moments and but his body was unbelievably strong that I could that I could withstand this.
It's a body Rogers so resilient. Yeah, you remember the last time that you saw him or spent with
him I do and
I am I'm sorry to ask you about is it all
right now? It's what do you know the reason it's good talking about it is it might help other people if it helps one other person it's worth a conversation for I
talk about that stuff a lot on our podcast. Yeah, a lot of our audience struggles are has struggled with alcoholism addiction intimacy disorders all types of stuff, you know, so it's like a it's pretty kind of normal conversation. But
you know, the interesting thing is and I tell people so I
Never had a cigarette and I've never had a glass of alcohol and my brother was incredible. He would tell me because he knew I had a problem and it's a don't ever drink don't ever smoke. He always had smoking because he did smoke a lot which is, you know, not very healthy, but he said don't ever drink don't ever to hit tell me every time I said don't have a drink because he knew he had this yeah addiction and I never had a glass of alcohol never ever. Did I have a glass of alcohol because of him?
And I would say that if I did drink I could conceivably be the type of Personality that would have yeah like you that would have a problem but I never had and the only thing I say to people is if too late for the people that you're talking about, but if you don't drink you don't miss it, I mean, I don't even think about alcohol or
writes out a part of your
world think about cigarettes. I don't think about any of that if you don't take drugs or if you don't have alcohol.
It's really easy not to drink it. It's when I had a friend who went to the Wharton School of Finance with me was a very smart guy. Where is it Wharton School that's in Philadelphia. That's it at that. Yeah Rocky, right and it's a great great school great business school and part of the University of Pennsylvania to business school. Looks nice down
there. Yeah. My friend's brother went there some it. Well, he ate her there when
he was smart because it's a great school and
But this this person that I met he hated the taste of scotch hate hated it couldn't stand it. But he insisted on having it because he wanted he felt it was important to be able to drink I said, no just don't drink he said, you know to be successful in business you have to sort of interact and you have to drink and I said don't do it. Anyway, he became an unbelievable alcoholic uncontrollable alcohol, I think fast. Yeah, and he died. He was a you know, he but he
Hated the taste of scotch and he said that it couldn't live without
literally. Well, I think I noticed a lot of like in the recovery rooms and stuff. It's a lot of people that have their missing something inside of them. And so they could be they take on like, you know, they want to try and fill it up with something else. Yeah. Do you remember the last time you spent with your brother? I do and he'd have periods where I'd get sick very sick and we thought would lose him or we lost him.
It'll get better and that happened five or six times and then will you thought you lost them and then he got better and it was amazing. I mean who's in a certain way very strong in that sense and I just tell people it's so tragic don't drink just don't drink. Yeah, and you're not gonna have a problem like even you if you didn't drink you would never happen. You probably maybe wouldn't be successful like you are. You know, it's part of your your
story helped me a lot. Yeah. Yeah because I don't know what would happen.
Probably I think it's just too risky it is what's something that you miss about him or like that. They yeah, like what's something that you miss about him
Fred? Well, he was wise in a sense we think of it. He's got this problem and it was very important for him to convey to me not to have this problem and I couldn't have been successful if I had that problem. Yeah, if I had that problem and I think maybe I'm a personality type where could have had the problem if I drank but if you don't drink you're never going to have it, I mean, I don't miss when I see somebody.
Light up a cigarette and just there in heaven.
I don't miss that at all.
It's weird some Nate. It's very Native Americans. There's a crazy bizarre. And you know, I think is sometimes our older brothers. They kind of like they take the speed bumps for us like as younger brother so that we don't have to you don't say into that. You know what I'm talking about. My brother went through a lot of stuff so that I didn't have to go through it and then I get to see him and learn
Z. Okay now, yeah,
he's doing great now. Yeah, he's doing great now but it's just it's like yeah, that's one of the blessings I think of having an older brother. Well, you
can learn through history to whether even if
It's not a brother. It's by watching other people. I mean you can see if you have a friend who's an alcoholic or even just by reading about people you can learn. Oh, yeah, it doesn't necessarily have to be a brother. But in this case, it was very personal. It was a brother and I learned not to drink and I learned not to smoke cigarettes. Now. I don't know that I would have smoked cigarettes. I probably would have drank and they you know, there's no reason not to drink but I had a reason because he told me you know, just that was it. I don't know.
Yeah, I was kind of a blessing then huh? Yeah.
Where did you did they did you guys ever do anything fun together? Like one nice memory that you have with him?
He had a great talent for flying who's a pilot? Oh sweet and he loved it and he ever fly with him. I did I flow with him. He was a great pilot and a very talented other Pilots would come to his house to study with him watch him a lot and he was really talented that but ultimately had to give that because of the alcohol he had to give that up. What
It was a hard thing for him to do but he had to give them
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Cam Theo yeah, it's crazy. That's the wildest thing to watch as people lose in everything. You know,
though, they lose everything and many many people and you have to end those days. It was a drugs. It wasn't like Don't drink don't take drugs. I don't think drugs. I don't even know where they're even a factor. They happened a long time ago, but I think in those days, I don't think we're drugs are factor. You go back 25 years ago like it is now well certainly not like now
and when he and that actually takes me into something else I wanted to talk about
Like alcohol alcoholism and addiction is something that's really ramped up even like you're saying like in the past 20-30 years in our country, right and during the opioid epidemic. They estimate that like almost 600,000 people died. Yeah, and and that is even include the broken hearts and the deaths of families and Circles of trust all do you know just people that lost a brother didn't include the actual the siblings, right? You know, and so the Ripple
Affected that is huge. And there's that. There's that Sackler family that pretty much got away with it. You know, they had a financial slap on the wrist, but we're one of the only countries that allows drug advertisements and pharmaceutical companies to advertise on television. Like what do you think is are things that you can do to help curtail that when you get in
office, so well, we did a great job. We had to make sense or not. Yes. It does make sense. Then we had committees.
Blue Ribbon committees in certain cases but committees that would meet the big problem we have is you know, fentanyl is probably the biggest opioid is bad opioids bad, too. Yeah, I think that's bad because everyone thinks you know many cases. They think they're going to do away with pain and literally the time is so short of you take it for like two weeks here almost addicted to it. It's incredible when you
do the whole year all of that is horrible, but why do
it allowed
at how did you
know I would just do cocaine. I was really yeah, so not just yeah and
it was tearing us down and dirty,
right? Yeah, and this is yeah this I mean it was yeah I but you don't anymore. I don't do it anymore, man. And I'm not doing is
it too much too much to handle some of the stuff
started to get a real rattle in its who? I don't know where it we were even getting it from in this country. But yes started to make me feel like I was a mechanic or
so the thing you go back to then it's alcohol for the most
part, right? Yeah, but it will have what I
Probably his cocaine, but I know that if I have a drink and it'll give me a little like they like, okay. Well, I had a drink then I can do this is cocaine a
stronger. Oh, yeah up.
Yeah. Yeah,
so you may see you way up with cocaine more than anything else you can think. Okay. We'll
turn you into a day. I'm a lil homie. You know what I'm saying? It'll you'll be you'll be out on your own porch, you know, you'll you'll be your own streetlamp your
frickin. And is that a good feeling while oh, it's a miserable feeling
but you do it. Anyway, just like the guy you're saying with the sky.
Ouch, like you did you didn't you knew it was bad, but you
still it's not even good during what would be normally the good time in other words. Oh well, so why would you do
it? I wouldn't that's why I don't yeah
that's there but it's crazy that we can because
that's what alcoholism is. I think it's that it Trump's the why like it doesn't and it just you don't and you just go to it's like so that's why it's they say that it's a cunning baffling and Powerful. That's what they say about our
ISM and it is it's
it's which is a bigger problem in our country. Would you say opioids like bigger than
alcohol? Oh for sure. I think it's that's one of the
biggest problems and compare that to fentanyl. Oh,
yeah. Well, that's the problem is people are making fake opioids because they can't afford real Winds of they're just getting Malta Street and then they put Fentanyl and them
Sentinels like lace into everything now, it's horrible. It's horrible. Yeah, they found some in a
baby rattle somewhere. I think I don't even know where that was.
But one of the things I was wanting to ask you about was like so there's like the big former lobbyists like there's 1800 big Pharma lobbyists in Washington d.c. Right. There's only 535 total Representatives or Senators total. So just the fact that there's this whole other almost drug government that's their kind of pushing the, you know, pushing agendas and influencing things. Like how do we stop that man? It just seems like it's obviously killing people like people are
You know, it's like what do we have to do that? Our own government won't help us.
Well, you have to stop listening to lobbyists. You know, I was not a big person for a lobbyist and if they have even a little access to like a president or a senator or a congressman or woman or snake it a lot of money. Yeah, and in some cases they just take the money they don't do anything but you have a lot of lobbyists in Washington pushing and certainly a lot for the all of the things that we're talking about.
But the winning alcohol the lobbyists are winning if yeah, they weren't exempt making a lot of money. I think
can you stop that? Can it can a president? Stop that like, how do we stop
that? Well one way you could stop but is to say if you're going to go into government. You can never be a lobbyist in many cases. They have rules and regulations. Who are you can't do it for four years three years five years, whatever.
You mean be a lobbyist after you were elected
official. I mean you could but you're saying you could say that you if you're an elected official or if you work.
In government, you can never be a lobbyist. You have people that work in government and they give out contracts to the military and then they leave and they work for them for the people that they giving out contract.
That's exactly what happened with the Sackler family with the drug companies. They hired people that were on the FDA to work for them. So they could loophole the laws or no, but gradually Outlaw lobbyists or we can't do
that. Well, there's a whole constitutional thing there. I mean
Can you make somebody never ever go into the business if you're if you work for government and especially if you're giving out contracts in other words, you're a powerful person rather than some industry the Navy the Army any you do anything. It could be military procurement that cetera. There's a whole thing like Zoll question is to you give out a contract and then all of a sudden you're working for the person you gave out the contract or the company that you gave out the contract to
write like you're playing both sides in the
net. Well it's and it's obviously a problem and
It's a big problem and we were doing things about it. But then we had to get down to other business. We had to solve some we had a lot of problems in this case. Yeah,
it's pretty clear that the establishment doesn't like you. I would say, what do you
think? Well, I think the people like me. Oh, yeah, the people we're leaving now and all the polls were leading and recipes and just came out a little while recipes is a very highly regarded polar. We're leaving by like leading by Five Points Rasmussen poll and and and others also and we're doing well.
But I think the people like me a lot, you know, we weren't and then we did no doubt. So we won in 2016 and then we did much better in 2020 much better got millions and millions more votes. And what is the
establishment? Keep trying to sink you? Like? What is it that they are a so afraid
of some cases the things were talking about right now. They want to sell product that I'm not interested in. They want to have certain boats and certain chips and certain planes and certain everything boy.
Pharma is another one that's you know, interesting
or do they push back against you think?
Yeah, I think they do. Well. Yeah, I think I think it's pretty obvious that they do in one way. That's a positive thing politically because when you can show that they push back the voters seem to like it but we have a lot of a lot of popularity. We have a lot of lot of people that want to see me come back and win because we had a great time. We had the greatest economy in history when I
I was President we hell,
yeah, my cousin got a
boat. Yeah, we had the best jobs African-American Hispanic American if you look Asian American job numbers women men everybody. We did a we did a lot of good things we cut we cut taxes more than anybody else including Ronald Reagan. We cut regulations which created jobs. We had a great period of time and I think the people wanted back based on what I'm seeing the People Want it back
one thing that you did recently we had Bernie
Enter Zone and interesting and I know
that's very
interesting. Certainly you guys don't agree on a lot of things but I think we both acknowledge how horribly rigged the Health Care system is and against the American people because hospitals and insurance companies get away with hiding their prices from all of us and literally they can charge whatever they want. You know, it's like you sign up and say yes, I'll pay you trust the hospital, but then you get home in the bill is
It's whatever, you know, which pretty much feels like some form of extortion to me. That's what it seems like to me form. But you had an executive order where you created a federal rule forcing hospitals and insurers to publish all their prices. Yep, right so that people would be able to know okay, if an MRI cost $600 here and it's 5,000 dollars they are then I can go here and save myself money, but that hasn't even been enforced like hospitals
by away with it
hospitals insurance.
Because they're not in their still not showing their prices. They hated it. Of course they
did and because it would would have made it very competitive and Biden Let It Go he did. He never enforced it and to get that approved was a big deal and that would have brought down the price of you know, so many things not only you know just care right Care physical Care Mental care. That would have brought down the cost of Care by 50 60 percent and Biden and Kamala.
Didn't press it. It was a big thing to get it but I'll be pressing it and because I will be passing it. Yeah, and because I'll be pressing it. There are some people that are vehemently against it for financial reasons, you know for money reasons, but other people don't go to hell that's insane. Yeah. No, they don't bad people especially because one of the leading causes
of bankruptcy in America is medical debt. I mean, it's oh that's crazy pretty nice things. Like I made that up
either. No, it's when you
Give it at first when you said it I said wow, and then I'm thinking about it ever since really not a wow. It's I understand that. Yeah, tremendous Lobby tremendous powerful
Lobby. We are because it's I mean think about what else is going to put your medical are like and that much of a debt. It's like I think that's I believe that that's accurate who's behind who's behind the healthcare insurance that whole thing. Like who's behind it all it feels like Chuck Schumer. Is this kind of like deviant?
Mine back there
somewhere. Well, he's one of the people that is hurt and he's one of the people that keeps the prices high and he's you know gets a lot of contributions from the people in the other side. Yeah and him and plenty of other people a lot of people it's a very powerful lobby, but when they wanted the most powerful Lobby the lawyer a Lobby that's that's the and that feeds into that also, you know don't feeds into it. Wait, hold on
just so I understand Donald sorry, so that that Lobby is a very powerful one. Yeah, but why do
If people want people to suffer though, just so they can make money. Yeah,
that's right. Yeah, I said really has to do with money. That's right. How much money do they immediately sent out my save this is terrible and then they eventually say well but can we
just as a country say hey how much okay, you need three million dollars will give you that fuck off. Yeah, we want to be healthy. Yeah, but can't we make a deal with
those people? They're very tough to deal with and they've been taking care of my drug companies and others for years, you know you
Petitions that have been for years being taken care of by people that make a lot of money and they want to keep making a lot of money and it is I mean in that case it's not a power thing. It's a money thing. Yeah, a lot of money.
What are some of the other lobbies that are out there that we don't even know
about. Well the most powerful Lobby is the lawyer Lobby. I would say the teachers Lobby is important or powerful sometimes really did the detriment of everybody but the most
Powerful lobbyists probably the lawyers who would think that right but they have their that's why if you wanted to get rid of court cases and cut down a litigation costs which in this country is out of control lose your praise. What you do is you go loser pays in other words. The loser of a lawsuit has to pay for the other side has to pay back all the money the other side spent
you think that would solve it.
Yeah, it would get rid of 75 80 percent of the litigation. We are very limited.
The Digis
country it's on everything is under it's all bureaucratic tall boy. It's all dirty paperwork. It's a bunch of
rigmarole. Well, if that would happen you'd get rid of a lot of it. But the lawyers are opposed to it. Will it probably will not happen no matter what because obviously the lawyers want to congratulate what would have to happen. The
Supreme Court would have to vote on something to make it
happen. I don't know. I think that maybe would have to go before The Supreme Court, but the most powerful Lobby, is that Lobby and if you wanted to get
Rid of litigation if you went and you know Europe has it a lot of places have in different countries where loser pays if you sue somebody and you lose you have to you have to pay the costs of the other side. Yeah, that makes sense. I think and what happens is people don't Sue it's a tremendous difference. But this country the lawyers are very much opposed to order this country. It's too bad.
Yeah - is pretty heartbreaking. I feel like there was a rumor that
You almost had RFK jr. As a potential vice president. No, okay, just a rumor.
And did I like him? I've always liked him.
But yeah, I like him too. He's bobbing our friends. He's a friend of mine. I've no no, he's a good man. Yeah.
He's in there pitching and stuff. It's a two-party system and he's a third party. You know, it's a tough thing. He can't get registered now in New York. I see New York and the Democrats have really opposed and vehemently I haven't
but the Democrats have really opposed to you think he
should be allowed to run
everywhere. Well, the laws don't allow that okay, and the laws don't allow unless you have 15 or 20 percent whatever it is. They don't allow you to debate you don't have to debate so you can't get on the stage. You can't at the debates are very important. I mean, I had a debate with Joe Biden. Oh, yeah. That was a very meaningful. That was a very consequential debate to put it
mildly. Well, yeah, they they they took their panned out of the puppet after
that well,
They wanted to debate they gave me everything that I didn't want CNN and then they gave me a Dana Bash and Jake Tapper. Now remember this they were very straight during that debate. I have written I gained a certain respect because Jake Tapper like all faked a but now I don't do them at Whole Foods. I don't do that so much. Anyway you did but I thought they were very even-handed if you want to know the truth during the debate and I
didn't feel like David.
They pushed
a certain pressure on them to be even-handed. I think it's hard to not do that, but they were very even-handed and it was a great debate but a very important debate.
Well after that it seemed like suddenly everybody have been like oh Biden's fine in America for like 18 months. Like my dad was really old when I was born. My dad was 70 when I was born, right? So I don't like seeing senior citizens get take advantage of right. I felt like that happen a lot when I was a kid. And so I think for me it reflected on me like
It made me really angry because I was like, I know this guy is not well, it's not fair to pretend that he's well. Yeah, it's not fair to him because he doesn't know you're pretending, you know, and it just seemed like the cruelest thing you could do and then we're all kind of supposed to believe this thing that we know is not real or media is just saying this is real and we're like, we're all just being gas-lit as humans about something that's like moral like, this is a human man. This is somebody's grandfather and then
They just disappear. He just disappears and suddenly it's like it was a coup. Kamala is the is the one that went in? What do you think happened in the back rooms there because that almost was overnight that
happened. I know what happened and you're not supposed to do that. It's not supposed to be probably constitutional. She got no votes. He got 14 million votes all of a sudden they're telling him to get out or they threatened him. But who were there is anything we person well, I would say Schumer Pelosi and
Numerous other people the heads of the Democrat but yeah, and they did they threaten to violently I think and he won't even remember. He said only God will get me out. Right only God will get me somebody dressed up my God. I just chased him out of there. Yeah. And what happened is they they went to him and they said this was after the debate now if he didn't have the debate he would still be running running. Yeah,
so they set him up. They knew they were going to pull it out
that I don't know. I mean he
Had his debate. Maybe he wanted to I heard he didn't I heard they offered me things that I would never accept and I accepted them. They said CNN. They said Jake top cap or Dana Bash. They said all things that I could not take and I accepted all of them and you know, look it was a good debate for me. It wasn't a good debate for him. I think he'd still be running right now. You wouldn't have her she was one of the most disrespected people in the whole country. She was she was a failed Vice.
She was the most she was considered the worst vice president in the history of our country. She had no chance, you know, if you go back six weeks they were saying how bad she was and they wanted to choose from 11 different people. Do you feel thought that's what they were going to have.
Oh you thought that's where you're willing to see more democratic. I think they
were they were they wanted to be politically correct and they chose her.
I feel like it would have seemed more but dude, I got so angry.
Angry when they saw track Bernie a few years ago, or that wasn't fair.
It doesn't Bernie twice. Yeah, you gotta think about
it. Yeah. Oh, it's crazy. Ya 2016 22 he's got you know, it just wasn't cool like whatever you think it's just like we have to be able to believe you
like Bernie is he are you friends with him
herself. I met him the other day. I like the
first time it's the first time were you impressed by him? I owe ya one thing. He's still sharp right Oye still she doesn't suffer from what Biden did no, no, no mental illness.
Yeah, right. Mentally, he's you know, he's somebody put a merry-go-round in his head I heard but that's you know, but they didn't plug it in they didn't tell him. Yeah, but no one thing I liked about Bernie. Well, one of the things is the health care. I just feel like we spend so much money in different places and people are sick and the opioid epidemic. I just feel like and the lower cost of drugs. Those are things that are
ended because I got insulin down and they took credit.
Go for it, but I got it down to $35. And I said I hope I win because somebody's going to take credit took it takes a period of time before it kicks in statutorily and I got it down to $35 which is a very low price and they took credit for it, which is you know, now I'm taking credit because I'm talking to you, you know
is well. Yeah, if you did it, then you should be able to take care of you. So I
just watched her performance today. So she went out and who Kamala? Yeah, she lied about everything. She said this
Tax that Trump tax that trumped he's going to tax this he's going to take all these different things and I'm not going to tax them. She made it up.
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people in politics many of them not all of them are really Liars, but she's really like she made up a series of lots of different taxes that trumps going to judge you on clothing. He's going to charge you on this or that and actually she's the one your taxes are going to go up by four times and if the Trump tax cuts because I got the largest tax cuts ever but they expire in number of months pretty soon. She has to be able to do something about
And she's unwillingly I and uncapable. I'll tell you what if she's pretty she's the worst vice president ever. He's the worst president ever a deadly combination and we have a country where the borders of bed where the world is blowing up your look at Israel. You look at Ukraine, you look at all the different things that are happening
or were yeah he is and she
has no clue and you know what I say about her. Why don't you do it? You know, she complains about everything. She's been there for three and a half years water. Do you do it all you have to do see what?
Can you do it? Why didn't you fix it? You could fix it right now don't you know do whatever you're doing? Yeah, and he won't talk to you and she won't talk to anybody. She won't be interviewed.
She's welcome to come on. I would love to get to talk to
her. I'm sure to be very exciting. Actually, you could make her exciting president. Yeah, I think so.
Somebody said she's a good roller skater. That's what I heard, which is crazy.
That's about it.
We're going to wrap it up soon. Okay, is everything okay done? Sorry speaking of speaking of Kamala and speaking of the Border. We had two border patrol agents that came on in the past two years, right? Because we wanted to learn about it from people that are there on the ground and one of the things that we found out was a lot of times they keep arresting the same people because the the the people that are coming in illegally armed being prosecuted. That's one of the biggest problems that were saying, what can we do differently to make things safe at the border? It's
At a family can't a father Kent's, you know can't sleep at night because he doesn't know who's going through his yard or going through it. It's just not fair. It's not what you signed up for when you're an American. What are you going to do
differently borders? Well, I did it. I did it. We had the best
border other wall. They should have kept it. I agreed
the wall built. We had more going to come Beyond long beyond what I promised I built hundreds of miles of wall and it worked walzwerk, you know walls and wheels. I say it all the time.
I'm two things. They never get obsolete. Well, they all sand
walls. Well, they also supplied infrastructure. Like people don't understand the wall also was a place where border patrol agents could go to get water to get food to rest. It provided like a shelter out there as well before they're in the middle of nowhere. They said it worked at the two that I work in is that it when I was
gonna do 200 miles of wall, we had it built and we just spent you know to the specs specifications of the border patrol. We're going to put it up and it would take three weeks to put it.
That's an additional 200 miles to fill up certain areas that you know, when you make the wall and all of a sudden they saw coming through other areas. We had it wired and they wouldn't do it. They wouldn't put it up and I realize they wanted open borders. Come Allah wants open border. She's going to have open borders will have 50 60 million people because of them sick. We have over 20 million people in my opinion right now that came into our country many come from prisons jails mental institutions.
Many terrorists, you know that other countries now their crime rate is way down because they're saying hey they're criminals to party is sending all of their criminals us and who would take this? Why is this a good thing? It's a horrible. She should be ashamed and you know, she was the borders are to he put her in charge. She was the worst borders are and the history of the world roller skater. That's what somebody told me the other day. She's terrible. But what are you going to do? What's going
to happen with the Border when you're
back we're going to seal the Border.
I had a very well sealed we had with the most successful Border in the history of our country. We're going to seal the Border we're going to finish up certain areas of the wall because they didn't do it and we're going to have an unbelievable border and we're going to spend a lot of time getting the criminals Outlook. We have murderers in our
country. I don't think people should be a lot of be in our country if they're
criminals. Well, then you're going to be very unhappy to know that we have a lot of people hundreds of thousands of murderers. We have we have people drug dealers talking.
About drugs. It's not even believable that they'll do it. So what they've done is they've allowed murderers people in prisons people in jails people in mental institutions and sentences and terrorists to pour into our country by the hundreds of thousands and they are in our country right now and the country that brought him out said if you ever come back we're giving you the death penalty or we're going to kill you when Brooklyn alone
is a huge. There's a huge building that is housing. Just Haitian people.
Housing this wandering around Brooklyn all the time. My friends are telling
me they have some rough people do a really rough
people. So you're so when you so if you ever get reelected the board, you're going to continue that project. Well, I had to make sure it's
safe. We had it we had the safest border and the best border and the history of our country and now it's a
disaster Biden somebody invited by another board and they said he went to a Borders books dude, and I was like that. Well,
they invited her and she went to a place that doesn't have a problem. You know, she's a disaster. She's she is
the worst vice president is the worst Administration in the history of our country. She's a part of it and she won't do an interview. She would never do an interview like this. You want to remember I had a want to learn more about her. Well, I think you should ask her to come on.
Tell Baron I said, thanks man. But yeah, he's a big fan. I hope to get to meet him someday seems like a neat kid. Yeah, he's great is he? Yeah, and yeah, thank you for your time. I can't believe that I got to be able to sit down with you. I'm grateful to Dana White as well for setting this up and and
Yeah, I just appreciate you giving me your time today to Donald Trump's another
one. Good luck with your situation. You're gonna do it. You beat it, right? Yeah, ain't it? Good luck with it. Thank you, brother. Thank you very much.
For 50 years now hip-hop has been a reflection of culture and society that includes stories of struggle and pain social and just racial inequality marginalization of communities today. We confront a Health Care system that has been rigged against all of us hospitals for spacious
aside contracts for service without ever showing us actual price stifling competition
overcharging without
accountability and if we can't pay these same contracts
Allow them to take everything. We own creating so much fear that millions and millions of Americans refused to enter
Hospital put in our health and our lives at stake. This is an American humanitarian crisis love our nurses and we need our doctors but
hospitals and insurers rigging a system to make profits off of people that's his struggle is
unforgivably demand prices and transparency in health care how to the patients