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Ben Shapiro
9 Clips
Sep 16, 2024
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So Yesterday President Trump s assassination attempt in eight weeks. Just astonishing news is the first time that a president or presidential candidate that there's been an a second attempt at assassination, within a short period of time. Probably since Gerald Ford have to go back quite a ways for that, we brought you real-time updates. Yesterday, we did a been react, put up on YouTube as fast as humanly possible, being able to react as fast as humanly possible. To the news, is our job, bringing you. What you need to know. We need your help to do that. Obviously head on over to daily wire.com.
Subscribe use code fight for 47 percent off. That's daily, wire.com /. Subscribe with code fight for 47 percent off. Your new annual membership. All right, so yesterday about 2 p.m. a gunman apparently showed up on Congress. Congress. Is a is a very large thoroughfare, in West, Palm Beach. Runs the length of large parts of the East Coast of Florida.
And this gunman showed up outside of Donald Trump's International Golf Course in West Palm Beach. Apparently he was at the turn between the fifth and the sixth holes President Trump was not quite at that point in the golf course yet. There's a couple of holes behind Secret Service agents were advancing. There were a couple of holes ahead of President Trump. They saw the alleged shooter, the would be alleged shooter, sitting behind the fence, the would-be shooter had apparently a pack of ceramics that were meant to block any sort of incoming shot from Secret Service. He had a rifle and
With a scope. He also had a GoPro, so he's ready to film his attempted assassination on President Trump. It is unclear, whether he got a shot off. It appears that he probably did, not Secret Service. Saw him in advance. They shot at him. He then proceeded to flee, and then a nearby bystander, saw the license plate of the person, gave it to the cops, and this person was picked up by the police about 20 minutes later after fleeing the premises, according to the Wall Street Journal, at least one agent was one or two holes ahead of
Trump on the course fired after spotting man pointing a rifle through a fence law. Enforcement officials said a witness saw the man dart out of the bushes and take off in a black Nissan, which helped sheriff's deputies track, and stop him while he was headed down I-95.
The man who again I don't do names of Shooters and the reason I don't do names of Shooters as a as a general, a general rule is because it incentivizes further Shooters. They want the publicity, they want their cause publicized. So instead I give you all the details that I can about the shooter without mentioning the name of the shooter. Because again I don't want to incentivize this is probably the only good social science on mass shooters or assassins is that they want to be notorious. They want to be well-known and depriving them of that is maybe. The least I can do is like the only thing I can do as a member of the media.
Not to increase the the sort of publicity around people who would do something evil. Like, try to shoot the former president of the United States. The would be alleged shooter was detained and is facing criminal charges investigator said, they didn't know if the gunman himself fired a shot during the encounter again authorities found in AK style rifle, with a scope to backpacks in a GoPro portable camera. He was about 400 yards away from the former president of the United States.
So, the police pointed out that the man in fact was there for an assassination attempt, the first breaking news, it was unclear whether he was the, I don't know what else would be there for you. Don't normally just go to a golf course of the gun and points it through the fence. But here are the police yesterday announcing that the man arrested was there to assassinate, this is Sheriff, Ric, Bradshaw,
1:30 this afternoon.
Call came out shots fired at was called in by the Secret Service because we're in constant contact with them all the time, we were notified of that and we had units here that immediately sealed off the area in the bushes. Where this guy was is a AK-47 style rifle with a scope to backpacks which were hung on the fist, that had ceramic tile at them and a GoPro, which he was going to take pictures out
again, the backpacks at the ceramic towel.
Zoom lead provide some sort of false cover for him. In case there would be an incoming shot from Secret Service because ceramic is very often used as sort of a cheap substitute. For example, for Kevlar the secret service representative revealed that the Assassin was in fact, quite close to the president. If you have a rifle with a scope on it, 400 yards is not all that far
It was one or two holes behind that because the bubble moves across through the golf course. So our agents will get their first clear. He noticed that the rifles pointed out our agents engaged. We are not sure right now if the individual was able to take a shot at our agents but for sure our agents were able to
engage. Jeff Bradshaw did point out that Trump is not have full perimeter protection.
I'm so full perimeter, protection is typically given to the sitting president of the United States apparently, but not to presumably the leading Republican nominee for the president of the United States or the former president. So he has Secret Service or sort of on him bodily but not necessarily locking, down all generalized areas and again, part of the problem here in terms of security is that you would have to have either Congress itself shut off, which is a major thoroughfare which is unlikely or much more likely you should have had Secret Service agents outside the fence when the
Was in fact going around the golf course. That would be the obvious solution here but says Ric Bradshaw. They actually didn't have the staff available to even secure the out to the exterior of the fence, which is where this person set up for the shot. And it's a chain link fence. So it's not as though he had to sort of hop to get over the fence or anything like that.
At this level that he is at right now, he's not the city president,
if he was we would had this higher Golf Course around but because he's not the security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deeb's possible. So I would imagine that the next time he comes at a golf course they'll probably be a little bit more people around the perimeter but the Secret Service did exactly what they should have done. They provided exactly what the protection should have been. And their agent. Did a fantastic job.
One seems to
About time that the Secret Service be given full Authority and Staffing, power to protect the former president of the United States. Who again has now been subjected to two assassination attempts in the space of eight weeks will get back to more on the alleged assassination attempt in a moment. First using the internet that expressvpn is like taking a call on a crowded train with the speaker on full blast. You really want the whole car to hear you. Discussing sensitive financial information with your accountant. Probably not. Well your internet service, provider can see every website you visit and get this. They can legally sell
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Intelligence might have played a role in the outcome at this weekend, according to current and former officials, but the fact that a gunman was able to get a semi-automatic rifle with a telescopic sight. So close to the former president underscored how many urgent problems exposed in Butler, remain unresolved and how difficult it is for the Secret Service to respond to an unpredictable, an increasingly violent political environment except for this is not super tough stuff. I feel like I'm I anyone could have possibly foreseen that if you have the president of the United States, former president of the United States, and again, right now a 50/50 shot to be the next president.
The United States, the most controversial person in modern American history, playing golf at a club that he owns which he does fairly regularly write as several golf courses in this area and he plays them fairly regularly. It seems like well within the possible purview of the Secret Service to you know actually secure a fence that is not all that far away from the golf course. I'm going to happen if the Secret Service had missed this guy hiding behind the bushes. Like let's say this guy had not been a complete moron and instead of hiding behind a couple of backpacks at the
the at the exterior of this fence there have been some sort of obstruction that he was actually hiding behind. So they couldn't actually see him from inside the golf course. And then you'd waited until President Trump had moved up a hole or two. You've been right next to president from almost right next to him.
I mean as it turns out the shooter is almost clear, it's pretty clearly a left-wing oriented nut job is a person who clearly has some sort of mental issues, from his record also happens to be politically oriented to the left as well get to in just one moment.
According to the New York Times, the biggest issues in Trump's protection. Seem to be involving securing the protective perimeter of a targeted site. Even one they know as well as from Sir properties, it would be shooter position himself in the bushes on the perimeter of the former presidents, Golf Club, in West Palm Beach. A secret service agent was one whole ahead of trump on the course and spotted the barrel of a gun prompting agents to open fire on the man.
Again that that right now, Joe Biden, the White House need to authorize full Secret Service protective detail for the former presidents of the United States clearly and obviously this should be done after Butler. Maybe that's the head of the Secret Service who's at fault again or perhaps the Staffing levels that are being provided by the White House are not sufficient to meet the need when it comes to President Trump who again, has been targeted by everything up to and including bullets at this point.
President Trump issued a statement. Almost immediately saying there were gunshots in my vicinity but before rumors start spiraling out of control. I wanted you to hear this first, I'm safe and well. Nothing will slow me down, I Will Never Surrender. I will always love you for supporting me. And by the way, politically his message, her should be no bullet is going to stop the change, right? That, that should be the message right now. Kamala Harris not to get political too early, but everything is political, it's a presidential election.
President Trump's you making the case his she's making the case right now that she is a change agent when she clearly is not as we'll talk about in a little while. President Trump should be making the case, no bullet will stop the change. That's the thing. He should be saying clearly openly and honestly, Joe Biden. Kamala Harris put out a statement in which they said they're relieved to know that Donald Trump is safe.
Apparently, according to the White House, the president vice president has been briefed about the security incident at the Trump International Golf Course where former President Trump was golfing. They're relieved to know, he's safe. They will be kept at regularly updated by their team.
Now, what about the shooter? Well, we know that his son also happens to be a left-wing oriented not his son told the Daily Mail quote. This is the first I heard about it was my father shot or injured. He then said that his father hates Trump as quote every reasonable person does clearly everybody is perfectly sane and reasonable. And rational I don't like Trump either the sun added but he said his dad is not a violent person and couldn't believe his father would Target the president.
He's my dad. Always had a couple traffic tickets as far as I know his son said, that's crazy. I know my dad and love my dad but that's nothing like him.
Well, I mean, that doesn't seem to be the case because we now have some information about his father's history. His father's history is a pretty checkered, politically, again is a person of the left, eat exclusively donated according to the New York Post to Democrats since 2019. He had apparently tweeted out, something about how you wanted like, a vague ramaswamy, Nikki Haley ticket at one point during the last presidential cycle during the primaries, which is again.
Because this person is obviously pretty crazy and pretty nuts. With that said, this person is left wing oriented without a doubt.
He claimed another social media post that he had supported Trump in his first presidential campaign in 2016, but then said that he was greatly disappointed. However, apparently he also back Tulsi gabbard during the 2020 Democratic primary and then he posted in favor of a vague ramaswamy. So, all over the place, but overall, this is a person of the left. Not only, is he a person of the left? This person has spent an inordinate amount of time, talking publicly about Ukraine. And so, for example, back in 2013 who's actually he was actually directly quoted by them.
Are times in a piece about how foreigners trying to fight in Ukraine. Some of them were lying is a piece titled stolen Bauer Valor The u.s. Volunteers in Ukraine, who lie, waste and Becker and the would be shooter is quoted.
About something called the legion. The legion is a is a foreign body that was created in order to allow foreigners to fight in Ukraine.
It says, quote with Legion growth stalling, the shooter a former construction worker from Greensboro North Carolina is seeking recruits from among Afghan soldiers, who fled the Taliban, the shooter, he spent several months in Ukraine. Last year said he planned to move them. In some cases, illegally from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest. He said we can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan since it's such a corrupt country. And again, this is him talking to the New York Times, will get to more coverage of the alleged attempted assassination of president from momentarily. First, we are now approaching the one-year anniversary of the October.
Our seventh terrorist attacks in Israel Is The Day That Shook Western Civilization to its core. It's a stark reminder of the evil that exists in the world and the importance of standing with our allies. Well, now the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is giving us a chance to do just that with their flags have Fellowship initiative is an opportunity for us. All to remember the victims, honor the heroes. Pray for those still held hostage and highlight, the unwavering support of Christians for Israel and the Jewish people on October 6th, thousands of Americans will be planting Flags across the country to honor the victims of October 7th. It's a powerful visual reminder, you haven't.
We won't forget your generous donation. Today will not only provide a flag symbolizing, your support in church yards Across America. It will also support the fellowships ongoing emergency efforts in the Holy Land. We can't stay silent. We can't stay on the sidelines. Anti-Semitism, spreads like wildfire Israel needs you right now. Visit been for the fellowship dot-org today, that's been for the fellowship dot-org. Israel is still under Fire. Every bit of help is doing a world of good. Go to been for the fellowship dot-org. God bless and thank you. This person was also quoted by some.
According to semaphore quote, most of the Ukrainian authorities do not want. These soldiers said would be sure to get this back in 2023 head of the International Volunteer Center in Ukraine. A private organization with which helps foreigners seeking to assist the war effort, connect with military units in Aid groups. I've had Partners meeting with Ukraine's Ministry of Defence every week and still have not been able to get them to agree to issue. One single visas. This person was obviously working in Ukraine, spend time in Ukraine went to Ukraine to join the war. Apparently,
And in fact was interviewed by Newsweek about his work. In Ukraine has been Newsweek Romania interviewing this person talking about Ukraine. So this is not a totally Anonymous person. This person is extremely politically active, obviously invest in Ukraine and also pretty obviously crazy mean in this interview the would be shooter has died. Half of his head, blue and half of it yellow. In honor of Ukraine's. Flags person.
Is pretty clearly nutty. Here we go.
Please tell me who you are. And why are you here? 56
from the u.s. u.s. from North
Carolina. Originally, so live in Hawaii now, so flew all the way from Hawaii here. So the question as far as why I'm here
to me, you
know, a lot of other conflicts are gray but this conflict is definitely black and white. This is about good versus
evil. This is a
storybook, you know, any movie we ever.
Watch, this is definitely
evil against good. Okay, so again, this person very passionate about Ukraine, obviously also pretty obviously, pretty crazy. And unfortunately, his son is wrong. This person does have a fairly checkered criminal past. Quote is Newsweek. The suspect has reportedly been arrested eight times, mostly for minor offenses is actually convicted in 2002 of possessing a weapon of mass destruction. That's not a nuke. Apparently that was a fully automatic machine gun, December 20.
Two story by news and record in Greensboro North Carolina. Said that a man charged. With the same name, was arrested after a three-hour standoff with police. And was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possessing a weapon of mass destruction referring to a fully automatic machine gun.
So, again, all of this is indicative, the person who was unhinged was unhinged on the left particular, with regard to Ukraine in March, 20, 22, he wrote, quote, I'm willing to fly to crack out and go to the border of Ukraine to volunteer and fight and die. Can I be the example? We must win.
He in June 2020, tag Trump's accounts. And I will be glad when you are gone.
In April, 20 24, he tagged, Elon Musk, and an expo. Saying I would like to buy a rocket from you. I wish you loaded with a warhead for Putin's black sea mansion bunker to end him. Can you give me a price, please?
So, once more, many things can be true. One of late. The people who have attempted to assassinate president of the United States are crazy, too. This person was left-wing oriented on issues like Ukraine. And I've been interviewed by the mainstream media by the Legacy Media on multiple occasions with regards to that and three
The reality is that an extraordinarily polarized political environment. When a presidential candidate is the victim of two separate attempted assassinations when that happens, there should be some questions raised about the temperature of our rhetoric. Now, again, the only person who's guilty of attempting to kill the former presidents of the United States and current, FrontRunner for the White House, the only person who is guilty of that thing is the attempted assassin, obviously. However, when you raise the temperature on the political rhetoric in a country,
What you are doing is, you are turning up the heat beneath a pot of boiling water and eventually it starts to boil over. You see this all over the world is not unique to the United States, this in pretty much every democracy. As you increase the temperature of the political rhetoric, violence becomes a byproduct of that. We've been entering, an, increasingly violent era, that is particularly true since black lives matter summer in which widespread political violence was greenlit by the Legacy Media.
We have now seen two separate assassination, attempt against President Trump. I do not think that. That is a massive coincidence.
You have these free radicals who are roaming around. They can find each other on social media and find support. And not only, that they're being told day in and day out, that Donald Trump is a deep and abiding threats to the Republic.
Again, there is a difference between saying that you don't like Donald Trump's policies. Are you think the Donald Trump's policies are bad for the country? It is another thing to say, as the left has four years at this point, that Donald Trump is president of the United States, would end elections in the United States. For example, the Donald Trump, and his supporters are a threat to the very social fabric of the United States. That is a different thing. The same day that this assassin went out and attempted to shoot, Donald Trump again.
Harris walls campaign, put out an ad by Bernie Sanders in, which he said, all of these things. And we are two months out from the last attempted assassination. When there was just a moment of respite, when people said, hey wait a second, maybe maybe about a lower the temperature, just a little bit and then went right back to it. If we recall, President Joe Biden, who's barely alive, at that point, he made a speech from the Oval Office talking about bringing down the rhetoric and then within 24 hours, who's out there, again, suggesting that Donald Trump was a deep and abiding threat to the very Republic of the United States. Again, this is an ad that burn
Sanders put out the same day. Somebody tried to shoot Donald Trump again. Hi, this is Senator Bernie Sanders. There is clearly not a lot of time left in this election, so I'm asking everyone to pitch in to support team Harris walls. Today as I think you all know this is the most consequential election. You know, lifetime. Donald Trump is extraordinarily dangerous. He is a threat to our democracy. He is among
The other characteristics, a pathological lawyer we together must do everything in our power to defeat Trump and is Maga allies. This love MBA and elect vice President Harrison govern walls as our next president and vice president. The bottom line is that we cannot win this election without a strong me. So again he goes on but it's strong. Terribly dangerous going to destroy America. These are the kinds of terms. The left routinely uses about Donald Trump. He's a dictator in Waiting. He's Hitler with
The mustache and the fact is that our election cycle, this is really, really unpredictable. It's very difficult to predict the future in the middle of the craziest election cycle in history. Well, we're considering the nation's past, it's also a perfect time to think about your family's financial future, enter policy genius. The country's leading online insurance Marketplace. They're experts at helping you secure your family's financial future faster than Kamala Harris. Can change her policy positions. Even if you already have a life insurance policy through work, it might not offer enough protection for your family's needs and might not follow you if you leave your job with pouchy,
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When I talk about Maga, I talked about the fact that when we swore
finally in January
that we swore to defend against those that are coming against us, whether they are domestic or International and right now I feel like Maga in general. They are threats to us
domestically, they are threats. They are full-on threats. Can you keep saying that sort of stuff over and over and over time Jasmine Crockett's fault that some alleged attempted assassin tried to kill the president of the United States. Apparently, it is however her fault that the temperature keeps increasing. It keeps increasing and the left refuses to turn it down, turn down for what
They refused to turn it down. In fact, the one thing they will say over and over is it? Donald Trump needs to turn down the rhetoric. So Donald Trump is apparently the font head of all evil rhetoric and overstatement in the universe, they themselves are perfectly innocent. Apparently, the great tragedy of somebody allegedly attempting to shoot down from again for the second time in two months, the great tragedy is that Donald Trump might say things, that's really the thing we ought to worry about here is MSNBC anchor, Alex wit wondering if Trump should tone down the rhetoric.
We do not know again the source of any gunshot or gunshots. We don't know who's responsible for this. The whole thing has yet to be 100% confirmed from start to finish how this all played out. But do you expect to hear anything from the Trump campaign about toning down the rhetoric toning, down the violence? Or would that be a typical of the former president?
Again, for the media, the problem is always Trump. Someone tries to allegedly shoot Trump and the problem is from Always Forever. I mean, it's amazing
Meanwhile, NBC's Lester Holt saying the same thing is there such that the GOP their rhetoric, man? I went they should really tone it down. They should someone allegedly attempted to shoot down Trump in the head again, and the first reaction of the Legacy Media is, we're doing an amazing job. Everything was about Donald Trump is 100% true and he should tone down the rhetoric.
Today's apparent assassination, attempt comes amid increasingly. Fierce rhetoric on the campaign Trail itself. Mr. Trump is running made JD Vans continue to make baseless claims about Haitian.
Immigrants in Ohio, this weekend, there were new bomb threats in that town are Maggie. Vespa is in Columbus, Ohio with more
lesser simply put Springfield.
Ohio has been inundated by threats over the last several days, closing government buildings, schools hospitals today, effectively closing a local University campus. After administrators said, someone threatened a mass shooting targeting Haitians this in light of officials. Say a false online conspiracy theory alleging Haitian immigrants in that City are eating people.
Pat's. Okay, so again, in the, they're going right back to the well, the well is always that Donald Trump is at fault that JD man's have even when someone tries to shoot Donald Trump allegedly, they are at fault. And by the way, just in case you thought that those moderators in in the last presidential debate weren't unbiased here is ABC's, Linsey Davis who was anchoring her first Sunday edition of world news tonight since the debate. She immediately moves from talking about the second from assassination attempt to talking about Trump's outside his rhetoric or Vance's outside.
tonight, breaking news. As we come on, the air shots fired at Donald Trump's Golf Club in Florida as a former president was near by the Secret Service opening fire after spotting a man with an assault-style rifle. One suspect is now in custody, the former president is safe, the details just coming in from West, Palm Beach. The Secret Service treating this as a threat against the former president agents have detained a suspect and have recovered a weapon. This comes two months after the former president survived an assassination.
Shot attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania Pierre, Thomas and Mary, Alice Parks lead. Tonight's coverage. Also tonight, Springfield Ohio on edge. Local schools are being threatened with violence and a college shuts, down activities, after threats were made. Following the baseless rumors that Haitian immigrants have been eating pets. Republican vice presidential candidate, JD Vans defend spreading those claims. The Ohio governor calls the rumors garbage and says the immigrants are here to
work, you know how CNN's juliek? I am. She's lamenting, this might be used for political purposes.
Has remember that, that's always the problem. It's the Republicans pouncing. That's the problem
I really do do. I don't care what you feel about him or who the or Harris a mean this is, this is the expectation that he will be safe. And the reason why this is, you know, in some ways you said how close the election is the promise, this is a safety issue that is being thrown into a very intense political environment, in which the very fact of Anna,
Fascination a constitutional moment because because because it's going to, it could have impacted voters will be used for political purposes. And that to me is just a except not as an exceptionally unfortunate because whatever your beliefs are we do deserve to have campaigns that are not part that where violence isn't being used as either a Dia sword or a
shield amazing, Dave.
I'm from another sort of former never Trump Republican. Who's turned into a full-scale democrat in the style of the bulwark, for example, David from who writes for the Atlantic he tweeted, quote Trump and his running mate have spent the past week, successfully inciting violence in Springfield Ohio. Today, they want to present themselves as near victims of violence. In this case of violence, completely unrelated to themselves and at a very safe distance from themselves. Wait, what? A very safe distance from them like is 400 yards a very safe distance from Donald Trump because I feel like that is not in fact
Act the case again, the sword only works one way for the left. If something bad happens to a left Winger, it is because of right-wing rhetoric whether or not, it's because of right-wing rhetoric, when a mass shooter hits Gabby Giffords in the head, shoots Gabby Giffords in the head and it turns out has nothing to do with. Sarah Palin is still Sarah Palin's fault.
When somebody who is tangentially interested in trumpian politics, does anything remotely violence-related? Then of course it Cruise directly to Donald, Trump's demerit column, but if twice in two months, someone tries to shoot Trump in the head. Allegedly, if that happens twice in two months, then apparently left has no responsibility for that whatsoever. None
Bad things just never attached. So long as you say the right things long, as you are politically oriented correctly, if you are of the left you can say whatever you want and nothing will ever touch. You there will never ever be any responsibility for even increasing the temperature.
Forget about the shootings. Increasing the temperature will never ever be your fault because you're just speaking truth. Well, as long as you're on the left, you can say pretty much what you want. Without any fear that there will be blowback, it's a rough world out there. The one thing that you can guarantee is your own health if you do the right thing. So I fly around a lot, unfortunately, it's election season, I'm moving a lot. That means I have to keep my health at. It's very best that stuff on the road. So I exercise, I try to get enough sleep, I eat well, I need balance of nature bouncing. Nature fits right into my day-to-day, imagine trying to eat 31 different fruits, and veggies.
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On September 11th. He was over in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, visiting firefighters, and they were all Trump supporters. And as a joke he put on Maga hat. Now, everyone took that as sort of light-hearted which it was. It is worth noting at this point. That if Joe Biden really thought about Donald Trump. What he says he believes about Donald Trump, he would never have put on a MAG ahead. If Donald Trump really was the sort of Nazi threat to the Republic, the Joe Biden in the Democratic party, have made him out to be nothing in the world. Could get input on the Maga hat.
You be the equivalent of putting on a Nazi hat or a compositor? He's below. I have he wouldn't do it because according to them, Donald Trump is the gravest threat to the Republic in the history of the United States. January 6th Clause my President. Trump was the worst thing for the American Body politic since the Civil War and yet, there he was putting on the Maggie had, which is weird, because they don't actually believe it. They don't actually believe it. They just say it over and over, and over for political cynical reasons.
Meanwhile the state of the race remains Incredibly Close is a pullout from Iowa. That shows Donald Trump's Iowa lead shrinking significantly. The Seltzer poll, which is usually the best on pole in America.
Says, the Donald Trump's Iowa lead has shrunk from 18 points over Joe Biden late spring down to about four points in Iowa.
Again, that demonstrates some renewed momentum. Obviously for Kamala Harris with all of that said the race remains, insanely close.
Kamala Harris is within margin of error in seven different states, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina Nate silver. At this point is still suggesting that Donald Trump is the favorite in the elections. Despite the fact that Kamala Harris is ahead a little bit in the National polling.
There's been movement toward her, but at moments were has not overcome the structural imbalances in the Electoral College. According to Nate. Silver right now, if you had to take a bet the Electoral College probability for Trump is about 60 percent to about 40% for Harris, which means it is effectively a toss-up election. We have yet to see any new State polling really since the debate. So, you don't know the impact of the debate. I would suggest this race is stagnant. That everybody is basically locked in at this point. Which means, as I've said,
Said before if Donald Trump can be meticulous in his attacks on Kamala Harris and he will win. It really comes down to that. It's that simple Kamala. Harris has an undefined quantity that debate did not Define her better. It's fine. President Trump better but everybody already had a very clear picture of Donald Trump in marginally made Trump look worse than people already. Think he is. That's pretty much all that happened with Trump. Trump was already a crisp photo and he got a little crisper and then during that debate, Kamala Harris was a Big Blob of an image and she still a big
Of an image and nobody knows what the hell she believes or what she dings, which is why the attempt to Vibe her all the way to the White House will fail. So long as the Trump campaign can actually move to Define her and all the attempts to do, otherwise all the attempts of gloss over the top with the Vibes and the, and the feelings, and the brat and all that, I don't think that that is destined to succeed. As I'm gonna stop the media from doing their damndest to try Brian stelter, mr. Potato Head. He was back on CNN after losing his job over there, saying that the most important things about Kamala.
Those are the images surrounding her that is not remotely. True, her policies will. In fact come into question very, very soon. She's so obviously visually not Joe Biden, right?
She she is the Hope and change and Youthful energy in this race to me. The images are more important than anything. She's saying right now when she keeps filling these rallies, that's probably more important than she says out loud the
rails, the images, it's the images, that's all the matters, except that it doesn't. I know that the Washington Post is running entire style section articles about dressing it, Kamala Harris.
Harris seize the moment Saturday to speak to Black lawmakers and a Congressional Black Caucus Foundation event and she used her dress to help her do it. Wow, she wore a long sleeve black sequin column dress by New York designer look Juan Smith.
Amazing. Just incredible. That's that's the important thing except for it isn't except for she is going to actually at some point. Have to explain what it is. She wants to do with the United States and every time she does it it gets worse. Every this is why a meticulous Trump campaign coming back to this. This election is, in fact, Donald Trump and JD Vance is election to lose, it is their election to lose. I say this is a trump donor. I say, this is somebody who wants Trump to win.
I say, this is somebody who's gonna go campaign with a series of Senate, Republican candidates. I want Donald Trump to win. I want the Republicans to retain the house. I want them to increase their share of the Senate to a solid majority. Donald Trump needs to run a meticulous campaign. Yes, he is facing entrenched obstacles worse than any president of my lifetime. Yes, the media hate him more than they've ever hated anybody ever before. They hit a George w-- Bush. An awful lot, but they hate Trump even more. Yes, he is facing systemic obstacles in a wide. Variety of places. Ranging from
Eight laws and some of the Swing states to the obviously media. Democrat complex, with that said, he is still running neck and neck with a horrific lie, bad candidate and Kamala Harris. Proves it every time she goes out on the campaign Trail. This is why I was such a frustration that Donald Trump blew the opportunity in the debate to actually hold her accountable. Instead, getting distracted, with various rabbit holes that he wished to run down about his own. Tariff plans are about as crowd size in. Just one second, I'm gonna bring you Kamala Harris, uncut and man, it is
Terrible Kamala Harris Off Script is a disaster area and the Trump campaign should be making the most of it will get to that in just one. Second. First, this weekend we took on Hollywood heavyweights at the box office Mi racist in just hit. Theaters it shook them. Right now. Am I racist is the number for movie in the country? That is correct. Number four, we achieve this with just fifteen hundred theaters while the elite Studio. Releases ahead of us are playing in two to three times. As many locations. Here's something those major Studios don't have a 99% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes with
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Great. Am I racist? Thank you to everybody who joined us for opening weekend. We truly couldn't do any of this without your support. Let's keep the momentum going. Get your tickets right now. Am I racist.com? Alrighty, so as I say, Kamala Harris is awful when she's off script again. I think it's a tragedy that President Trump didn't shellac her in the debate, but this election still has 50 days to go. It's time to Define her and she is defining herself every day. The media are ignoring it. The media are preferring to focus on what dress she wore when she spoke to the Congressional Black Caucus or something that preferring to focus on her crowd size is or Taylor Swift or whatever.
/. It is an obligation, a moral obligation for the Trump bands, campaign to just play clips of Kamala Harris over and over and over over the weekend, she had what ought to have been the interview of the year like leading the news on every Network because she is only done two interviews, Donald Trump has survived more assassination attempts this year, then Kamala Harris has done solo interview since becoming the nominee.
I'm not even kidding down from was nearly shot on July 13th and then he was apparently nearly assassinated over the weekend. Kamala Harris has done one solo interview since becoming the nominee. One, it happened over the weekend and it was awful. Apparently, she did this interview with ABC, 6, local, and she answered a grand total of five questions which is really exciting stuff. So this interview did not go well for Kamala Harris again. She went to ABC
Because ABC are like our very, very best friends. One of the things that we actually found out over the weekend is that, ABC news, anchor, Lindsay Davis, who is one of the moderators in the debate. Of course, she admitted in a post-debate interview with the LA times that you wanted to address concerns. Trump's statements could be allowed to quote, hang their unchallenged by his opponent, or the moderators. And so she was preparing to fact-check trumpet, didn't prepare to fact-check apparently by Omission. Anything about Kamala Harris, which is why I come with Harris was never fact-checked.
Apparently, she told the LA Times people were concerned, that statements were just allowed to hang and not be disputed by the candidate Biden at the time, or the moderators in the first debate.
So, she prepped to fact-check Trump by not backtracking, of course. So Kamala went back to the well, she sat down with ABC 6, Action News, a local affiliate of ABC News and she answered a grand total of five questions from Action News, 6, ABC, anchor. Brian Taff. It began with him. Asking what you specifically do to bring down prices as president of the United States. And here was her horrifyingly bad answer cuz she's trash at this. I understand she's Vibes and she's brat, and she's cool.
And she said, she's oh, man, she's just the feelings off the joy so much joy. She's awful at this. It's one of the things that is driving everyone nuts. Who Watches politics, even sort of by way of fun, even if you are just tangentially associated with politics, if you've seen a tape of Kamala Harris in the past six years, she's awful at this and we're told she's great at this. Here is her being awful at this. When we talk about bringing down prices and making life, more affordable for people, What a Wonder,
Two specific things you have in mind for that.
Well, I'll start with this. I grew up in a middle-class kid, what it was my mother raised, my sister and me. She worked very hard. She was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house. When I was a teenager, I grew up in a community of hard-working people. Well, confront Realtors and nurses and teachers Montreal, I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience. You know, if
But a lot of people will relate to this, you know, I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who are very proud of their Lawn Lawn, you know, when I talk about building an opportunity economy, it is very much with the mind of investing in the Ambitions and aspirations in the and the incredible work ethic of the American people and creating opportunities for people, for example to start a small
business. So we build a square just helping out, we build a square.
I'll take long and then build a triangle to support the middle class. Okay? You may have noticed that the actual question was, can you name some specific ways to bring down inflation? Say I was born back in the 1960s and let me tell you when God first created Adam and Eve in the garden. It was there were trees. And in those trees were through, some might say, you know, some people don't understand fruit, they don't, they don't us.
You don't understand fruit. What are you talking about? What, what the, what? What here's the thing shoes? Ask the specific question. At the same debate. People wonder why I'm frustrated about the debate. I'm frustrated because it was such a blown opportunity, but she keeps doing it. So the opportunity is still there. The question was, how are you going to bring down inflation? And she's like chapter one? I am born. What, what, what? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And then she continues like this. So she starts jabbering about the
I Can Dream. It's elusive. It's not attainable. You literally are a person who just said you grew up middle class to impoverished, according to you, despite being born to, to Berkeley professors and growing up in Canada and upper-class neighborhood. And then you suggest the American dream is elusive. Well, you seem to be the very embodiment of the American dream. Given you have no redeeming qualities and yet are the Presidential nominee for the Democratic party and possible current. FrontRunner
Maybe that. Here we go.
Look, we don't have enough housing in America. We have a housing Supply shortage, and what that means in particular for so many younger Americans, the American dream is elusive, it's just actually not
attainable, its elusive in it. God, she's maddening to watch. She's maddening. Just a series of bumper, stickers, searching the landscape in, search of meaning, it's amazing. And then she's asking him a difference between her and Biden. And she's like, well, I
Well and and, and then also. And I'm a black woman. Here we go. And so I wonder if there are one or two spots policy areas or approaches, where you would say I'm a different person.
Well, I'm obviously not your bike.
Yes, you know, I know.
So for example, thinking about developing and creating an opportunity economy where it's about,
Investing in areas that are moving really need a lot of work hands here and maybe focusing on again, the aspirations and the dreams, but also just recognizing that at this moment in time. Some of the stuff we could take for granted years ago, we can't take for granted anymore,
she's awful. Can you name wire different names and policies where you different from Joe Biden. Well, I'm obviously not the same human as job. Wow. Wow. You answer that question? Congratulations there. Eat billion of us on planet Earth. You're not like any of those.
Other people either. Because you're a different person than those people. What, how are you? Okay? If you lose to this, if you lose to this, you deserve to lose this. I don't know how else to put it. You cannot lose to this. She's awful. She's awful in every possible way. It is possible to be awful and she was asked about her support for the assault weapons ban. And here is her answer.
I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the Second Amendment and your right to own a gun to also say we need an assault weapons ban literally Toy War.
They're not worth literally designed to kill a lot of human beings quickly.
I say we need Universal background checks. The majority of NRA members support
that. Okay. You literally are not even describing, why? Your policy is in consonance with the Second Amendment at all? I mean, honestly, it's very easy to get exercised over all of this stupidity and sometimes you just need to, you know, kind of vibe out really viable. And that's when you need one of these behold, this meditative candle. Yes, it is indeed a magical candle. This is the all new seasonal fall candle.
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Finally, she finishes up with a pitch to Trump supporters. Do you feel convinced as a trump supporter? I can tell you, I remain unconvinced. What do you understand his appeal to be? And how do you speak to his voters or maybe people who just share his values? But are open to something else.
I based on experience and, and a lived
experience, a lived experience. Now
in my heart, I know in my soul, I know in her heart and her soul, the vast majority of us as Americans have so much more in common than what separates us. Let's say about it. And I also believe that I am accurate, and knowing accurate knowing that most Americans want a leader who brings us together as Americans other and not
Someone who professes to be a leader, who is trying to have us Point our fingers at each
other, really? Oh my God. Why are you even pretending this person who's good at this? She's awful at this. She's awful. There's a reason. Joe Biden was like, I'd rather run than her because at least I have some brain cells. She's the emptiest vessel in the world. These are easy questions. Simple predictable, easy questions. She's blowing every single one of them, which means that the Trump campaign needs to point that out over.
And over without being distracted by salinas's Kamala Harris isn't just incoherent. She's also a liar. You remember, during the debate when she claimed that, there were no American soldiers in active duty War zones, which is absolutely 100% untrue. Perhaps the funniest clip of the weekend came via members of the American Military who I believe are stationed in Jordan, here is their reaction to Kamala Harris. Telling this insane lie.
Agreed with President Biden's decision to pull out of Afghanistan for presidents said they would and Joe
And it and as a result, America's taxpayers are not paying the three hundred million dollars a day. We were paying for that endless war. And as of today, there is not one member of the United States military, who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world the first time this but let's understand. So what else are we right now?
These guys being like what
Now what does she's a liar? Wes Moore? Who's a that sycophantic supporter of her campaign? Is that surrogate? He had to walk this one back on Face the Nation yesterday. Well I think what was what the intent was was that this is not, you know, counter to their to the convictions of the Trump ministration that somehow our world was safer under Hammer. We had less people in conflict. That is just not true.
But I think the really important thing to remember is, is that we do have people who are In Harm's Way every single day. We have, we have soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines Coast Guardsmen who every single day, are out there with our flag on their shoulder and who are defending our freedoms and defending our values. Yeah, well, I mean, maybe she should have said that as opposed to, you know, being a terrible liar and the thing about the Harris walls campaign, it's not just empty, it's false but it is also really, really empty. So
So, it turns out that her running mate. Tim walz, who's a super duper weirdo? I mean, I don't know how many times I have to point this out. The dudes, a weirdo. Have you seen him come out in a rally? He looks like he just did a line in the back. Room becomes a starts. Waving his arms at a nut job. He's pointing to people who don't exist.
Shouting and screaming and ranting and raving, and then there's his wife. Now, you remember his wife, his wife is the lady who's caught on tape during the black lives matter. I had saying that she left her windows open. So she could sit, she could smell burning tires because it made her feel better about her like she's okay, but she's also the worst substitute teacher you ever had.
So here she was rallying with her crazy, husband even her husband's embarrassed, by her on, has just watched him walls in the background. Even he's like, honey, you got to stop this. She's at the podium and she starts talking about turning the page, but only by irritating, the living crap, out of everyone, in a 300-mile radius. Wow. You would not want this lady in your homeroom, she showed up in your homeroom. You would dive out that glass window shards following you. Here we go. But I kind of like
Turn the Page here like that. Okay, so I need you to be with me and practice with me. What are we going to like a pretty good? Joe it again we're gonna turn the
page and he's like he's doing a nervous hand motions besides clapping does he think she's done?
Because it's been pretty important place in Minnesota, help. You practice with this. You just show me this. Turn the Page Right? Turn the Page. And, you know what else that look at him. He's like,
get her off there. Yeah, it looks like bye-bye.
No Trump. Yeah.
wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you wait, what are you doing? Is it the page? Wait, wait, he did it again. Wait again, oh, thank you. Wait, what are you
Oh my God. Are you ready for four years of that? Is this what you want? I swear the people involved in this campaign are the most irritating human beings on planet Earth on the planet. I know people have reservations about Donald Trump. I know people think that he does crazy things, he does say some crazy things on social media. Like for example, over the weekend randomly, decided to attack Taylor Swift, I don't know. I don't know why I did that. I don't see any reason for that. He literally put it out on on from social in all caps. I hate Taylor Swift, I don't understand.
I mean, I also hate her music and think that she's kind of awful but I'm not running for president and it seems to me that you should focus on the things. But in terms of the irritating people in this campaign, let me just point out to you that the presidential candidate. I'm Democratic side of the aisle is Kamala Harris and you know, the meaning of the importance. And when you think about the context and dug em off, who honest to God, of all the people in this campaign, dug em off. Drives me the most crazy as a Jew who takes his religion pretty seriously dug Em Off.
Makes me want to vomit non-stop non-stop. You know, he actually said over the weekend again, that only by marrying Kamala Harris. Did he feel more Safe in His Judaism? You're in Los Angeles me. Dude, in like the entertainment industry. Can I just point out secular Jews in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles. They're not that uncommon.
Doug em off at what a joke, he is, but an absolute.
Joe honest, honest to goodness, everything. Doug, a tends to be for the media is the opposite of what he is sighs. He's an amazing husband who Nails The Nanny and then maybe pays for her abortion. He's also an amazing father who raises a pro Hamas, Nick daughter. But he's amazing at this. Also, he's just a submissive kind of beta who was like a partner at a law firm, whatever. He's awful. And then you have Tim walz a complete hysterical Nutjob who ran his State into the ground and his wife, Turn the Page turn. This is who you want.
Oka is this who you want for four years or maybe eight you want this? Are you serious? Right now. This is the thing that you are seeking out that putting aside their policy just as humans. There's irritating there. So if you're taking him by this, if you look at that and you're like, man, I feel vibes.
Not to tell you, man, something going on with you.
Whoo, okay. Meanwhile good thing. The Trump campaign is laser-like focused on the issues. So we have now entered week, 2 of cat gate, this is the argument of whether Haitian immigrants are eating cats in Springfield Ohio. Now, as I mentioned last week, there are very serious issues regarding Springfield Ohio issues about the impact of mass migration about giving temporary protected status to tens of thousands of people without vetting them. There's a real issues creates massive Social Services burdens, it creates problems.
Of cultural integration. It creates problems of crime, it creates all sorts of issues. When you take a town of 60,000 people and just add on twenty thousand, migrants from Haiti because you want to staff up the local factories, as though you couldn't find anybody anywhere else in America to do any of that. Now, that's kind of a problem. However, it seems to me a distraction to be talking about whether they're eating the dogs and eating the cats and remember that started off as kind of a originally mentioned by JD bands, because some of his content constituents had mentioned to
Him reports like that. And then Donald Trump took that and ran with it during the debate and expanded it to not only eating the cats but also the dogs and also apparently other household pets and that of course became the living meme from the actual debate. There's a remix of the Trump eating the dogs eating the cat song that absolutely slaps. My kids love it. I'm not even kidding. That's a real thing.
However, it would be about time right now for the Trump campaign to focus in on, you know, the fact that Kamala Harris is an awful candidate, who believes terrible things and won't make clear any of her positions. It seems like should be about that. The media have one job and one job only. And that is to turn this campaign into a referendum on cat gate. That is it, that is what this is all about. It's foolish. It makes no sense. The media have decided that this is a major issue that they're going to push over and over and over. They're doing it largely as it is.
Traction. So, for example, JD Vance, yesterday was with Dana Bash and Dana Bash for like 17 minutes asked him about the eating the cats, and the dogs thing and vans just Rector. I mean, he really did. There's one point during this during this interview where he calls her out for just sycophantic, Ali presenting answers to Kamala Harris. During the only other interview that she's done during this entire campaign cycle. Here he was
Would you like to ask me questions? And then, let me answer them? Or would you like to debate me on these topics? I noticed that when he had Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz, you gave them multiple choice, answers to the questions that you asked, and you allow them to answer the questions. I'm happy to hear to be here to talk about policy, but if you're going to interrupt me every single time that I opened my mouth, then why am I even doing this? Okay, so that happened to me a really really good point, but she wasn't there to ask him questions and get answers.
She was there to browbeat him, so the same day that somebody allegedly attempted to shoot down from again, Dana Bash been 17 minutes implying that JD Vance was responsible for bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio, because of a cat gate.
Nobody is disputing that the, that the town of Springfield Ohio needs help, but you're not just a bystander. You're the senator from Ohio. So instead of saying things that are wrong and actually causing the hospital's, the school's, the government buildings,
To be evacuated because of bomb threats because of the cats and dogs thing, why not actually be constructive and helping to better integrate them into the community
data. First of all, let me just respond to a couple things that you said. But I want to start with something you said, which I think is, frankly, disgusting, and is more appropriate for Democratic propagandist than it is for an American journalist. There is nothing that I have said that has led to threats against these hospitals, these hospitals, the bomb threats and so,
Earth, it's disgusting. You just accused me of inciting violence against the community. When all that I've done is surface. The complaints of my constituents people who are suffering because of Kamala Harris has policies. Are we not allowed to talk about these problems because some psychopaths are threatening violence in the middle of the interview with Dana Bash. The media attempt to swivel away from Dana Bash, having an awful interview with Kamala Harris and J, Vans calling her on it to focus on this clip. So in this,
Clip JD van says that his constituents have been complaining about the eating the cat's thing, right? And that he has surfaced that, and he has elevated that complaints as sort of the tip of the spear, in order to put focus on the problems in Springfield, Ohio. The way that the media decided to interpret this is that JD Vance made up out of whole cloth. The claims about people eating cats in Springfield Ohio, and he made up a story in order to get attention. That's not what he's saying they're lying about what JD man said and it's pretty obvious what he said that they're lying about what he said.
I'm talking to my constituents and I'm hearing terrible things about what's going on in Springfield and Kamala Harris has open border policies, have caused these problems, the American Media, totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump. And I start talking about cat memes if I have to, but I just didn't mean create stories. So that the American Media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people. Then that's what I'm going to do Danna because you guys are completely letting Kamala Harris Coast. I say,
That we're creating a story. Meaning, we're creating the American Media, focusing on it. I didn't create 20,000 illegal, migrants coming into Springfield. Thanks to Kamala Harris has policies. So he's not saying that he made up the cat story, he's saying his constituents are telling him this thing, he's elevating their complaints. And then his quote unquote, creating a story in the same way that the media create a story meeting creates a narrative around a true story or a story that has been reported by his constituents. The media decide that they're going to run with this idea that he made up the cat story out of whole cloth because
What they want more than anything is to distract from the actual issues of the campaign. Here's Josh Shapiro, the person who is not picked for vice president of the United States by Kamala Harris, because he happens to be a Jew on State of the Union. Doing his damnedest,
the governor of Ohio, the mayor of that town in Ohio has said, this is all made up, these are all lies. There's no truth to it. And the United States, senator from Ohio, just came on your show and blamed his own.
Aachoo intense for his own lies. It's guys, so
pathetic. But the thing is, it is
dangerous. There is a causal connection between the BS that JD Vance and Donald Trump's Pew and the Safety and Security of the American
people. And so again, they're going to try and spin this into another Charlottesville hoax or into another bloodbath hoax. That this is what they're going to try to do. It's nonsense, don't fall for the propaganda. With that said,
Trump and JD bands need to be focusing full-time. Meticulously on Kamala. Harris has record on her switches of positions on the fact that she is a liar on the fact that as they promised Swami said on the show last week, she is the face of the machine. That is what they need to be focusing on and if they do that, they will win and they need to be focusing obviously on the hardcore ground game that Democrats are so good at that's going to be the election.
The bottom line is this today, I think we should all be once again thanking God that Donald Trump was not shot. Think today, once again we should be recognizing that we are one bullet away from a vast Cliff that no one knows what's going to happen if we fall off of it.
I mean, when I felt this way in July 13th, thank God. Donald Trump. Avoid that Blues. An act of God that he avoided that bullet. July 13th yesterday, he avoided another assassin.
This is a country that feels like it's on the precipice of something quite terrible. And there are only a couple of things that can be done to prevent it. One is obviously better secret service, but the other is people need to stop proclaiming that people on the other side of the political aisle are going to full-scale destroy the country and our hit Larry and figures. You should not do that because the more you say that, the more you are making it real. And that is something that unfortunately, the media seem to have no intention of ratcheting down, okay? And just one second,
We'll get to all of the Donald Trump, Laura, Loomer of it first if you're not a member become member use, coach Bureau check out for two months. Free on all annual plans, click that link in the description and join us, Republicans are Nazis. You cannot separate yourselves from the bad white people growing up. Never thought much about race. Never really seem to matter that much least not to me. Am I racist? I would really appreciate it if you love trying to learn them on this journey. I'm going to sort this out. I need to go deeper
joining us now, is me.
Certified eei expert. Here's my certifications. What you're doing is you're stretching out of your white, this more for you. In this field is America, apparently racist.
Word, inherent is challenging
their renamed, the George Washington Monument, to the George Floyd Monument,
America's racist to its bows, the own hair look yes. This country is a piece of paper.
White folks, white trash, white supremacy, white woman, white boy, is there a black person around? What black person right here? Does he not exist?
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