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Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik
290: Stop Multi-tasking, Try This Instead
290: Stop Multi-tasking, Try This Instead

290: Stop Multi-tasking, Try This Instead

Kwik Brain with Jim KwikGo to Podcast Page

Jim Kwik
11 Clips
Jul 25, 2022
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Welcome to Quick, brain, bite sized brain hacks for busy people who want to learn faster and achieve more. I'm your coach Jim quick
free your. Let's imagine if we could access 100% of our brain's capacity, I wasn't, I wasn't wired, just clear. I knew what I needed to do and how to do it. I know consume Sherman.
Welcome back, quick brains, this is the quick brain podcast. I'm your host your brain coach Jim quick. And I'm here as always help you to learn quickly and the subject want to talk about today is multitasking and I know this is going to hit a nerve with some of our listeners. Some of you who are watching on YouTube on video, hello to our all the brainiacs around the world. Now, do you multitask? Are you one of those individuals that have slack open and you shift to social media? And then you're typing up an email?
Then you start doing X, Y & Z. How do you maintain your focus and your concentration in a world full of rings and pings, and dings and app notifications. Toda media, alerts? What is the benefits also of ma, note asking what the research says is that we are not really good at multitasking, and that multitasking is actually a myth that really what we're doing is something called task switching. So in this episode, I want to share with you a few things that you could do to really harness your mono tasking focusing on one thing, imagine this that if you're outside.
Side. And I don't know if you did this as a child, I had these magnifying glasses and I got that as a gift and I would go outside on a sunny day and I would go out there and burn these leaves, right? Some of you burning hands, don't do that unless they're automatic negative thoughts, which is another episode that we talked about killing ants. Automatic negative thoughts. Shout out to our friend dr. Daniel, Amen. But if you're burning those leaves, right? And you look at it, it creates a focal point, right? Where you take the this ambient light and you
Focus it into one area. And that area is very bright and is an interesting that we use the word bright to describe what people who are smart. If your bright, you are intelligent, right? You are creative, right? You might be even a genius maybe and they're not smarter, maybe they're just better focused. When we harness our Focus, we're not doing multiple tasks then we could actually be able to get more things done on our to-do list on our to learn list and so much more. So if you have a to-do list, I would offer another strategy have
A not to do list, what's on your not to do list, multitasking? So that's the power of your focus and really mono tasking Bliss. Talk about some of the things that hold you back and your productivity, your performance, your peace of mind. Certainly your profitability when you're trying to multitask it cost you at least four things. Number one, it costs you time. That's the thing. You think you're gaining by doing many things at once switching from task to task could take anywhere from one to three four, five minutes to regain your focus because you're using a certain pattern of
Neuro net. That's activated to do one task. And when you switch over to something else, it takes time to reactivate something and to deactivate something else. And so I would say first thing, don't multitask as costing you time valuable time that you can't get back. Number two, reason not to multitask our mistakes. We know that surgeons who try to multitask during surgery or going to make more errors during surgery. Even think about it when you're trying to drive and text, which you shouldn't try to do that, right? You're trying to multitask, but we know those individuals are many.
Times more likely to have an accident because we do not cognitively switch very easily. And so not only cost you time but it costs, you mistakes, third reason, if that wasn't enough to really focus on one thing mono task, if you will energy, and when you activate a different part of your brain, it actually uses more brain fuel more brain glucose. So if you feel in your day that you feel mentally drained, you're suffering from mental fatigue or maybe some brain fog, maybe you're trying to do too much at the same time. So when you tasks which
To use more fuel more brain energy, and you feel depleted. And then a fourth thing that you might not think about, but it definitely could weigh on you over time. Is it puts a strain on your working memory or working? Memory is one of those things where if you have a phone number in our, you get a pass code or something, you have it in your mind, you can only hold it for a handful of seconds, but you're taxing, your working memory because you're holding information here, and then you're switching to something else and you figure out what you're doing here, it's kind of like you're having a conversation with somebody thinking about this. You can't remember the conversation kind of thing. Nobody Does it.
Perfectly and we all tend to sometimes tasks which the goal here is just to be intelligent to be aware. Self-awareness is definitely super power and try to just mitigate it. And so how can you reduce the multitasking, your life or mono tasking? Well I'll give you a framework for me the way I look at it is there's an external world and there's an internal world. And so there's an external World outside of your body that you could try to control an organized as best your ability. It's not always easy to reduce distraction.
So something like that, could be simple as closing tabs down in on your computer managing your environment. So that you're not multitasking, it doesn't make it as easy to multitask. If you don't have those apps open another way of doing it control your environment, like if you have to focus on sales calls, if you have to focus on returning, an email, or whatever it is, or writing that day, or braiding music, whatever you're doing, get rid of distractions. So that's controlling your external environment. I mean example, once you control your external environment, do you also have this?
Internal environment. What's the distraction inside your mind? So, for example, maybe you could do right now just do a check in your body, you know, be self-aware. And are you multitasking even right now? Are you listening to this podcast and also trying to do two or three things at the same time and we know we're not going to do everything really great and so are you're spreading your focus or you spreading your energy or spreading your attention? I would say your brain. Can't do to cognitive activities parallel at once, but you can do physical activity. So
Be listening this when you're working out. Certainly also, what is your self-talk? So if you were to ask yourself, where is your mind going? Are you thinking about something that's not in the present? Are you thinking about what's coming up? Are you thinking about what happened in the past because that will direct your focus? And your focus is going to direct how you feel and how you feel is going to direct your behavior? Moving forward? My personal thoughts are you could use external tools, you could put a timer and just say, hey I'm going to do 30 minutes of deep work and then use that.
Colonel trigger as a way of monitoring and managing your own time. Does that make sense even in your internal environment yourself talk? What is the best use of this moment? What is the most important thing to focus on? Because it's not just managing your time in terms of multitasking, part of it is managing priorities, so it's not time management, maybe it's priority management. You've heard me say this before the most important thing is to keep the most important thing, the most important thing, and the most important thing is what you're doing at
Moment, his even when we're thinking about the past, or thinking about what could happen in the future. We're depleting ourselves of energy. So I hope this little stream of Consciousness conversation with you. A reminder, if you will, that multitasking doesn't work. Then mono tasking will actually get you what you want faster easier with more certainty and with more flow. So my question for you, as you move forward right now, are you multitasking throughout the day and just even having this conversation, listen to his podcast will get you more sensitive to it even when you
Still podcast on how to remember names, even if you are using the technique, you're probably going to remember names more because your attention is there, right? Your observation is there and where your awareness goes? Your energy flows, be conscious. When you are multitasking or trying to do that, remind yourself, why? It's not the most productive thing to do in terms of your performance, in terms of your impact and then also control your external environment and your internal environment because that is in your influence do it the best you can is never going to be perfect but what are
One small thing you could stop in the environment. May be distractions. And one small thing you could start in your environment that will harness your focus, maybe using a countdown timer, or maybe giving yourself a reward at the end of a focus session or internally. What's one thing you get stopped? May be thinking about the future or thinking about the past or think about something else that you need to do. If something comes in your mind, don't fight it. Because what you resist? Persists use an external tool like even a piece of paper to capture it and then your mind can go back to what you were tending to, right? So then you don't have to lose that idea, you capture it externally.
And it come back to it after you're done with your process, let me know what you thought about this episode. Take a screenshot. If you like make sure you post it, share it, please leave a review because your stories matter, we read to every single one of our reviews and we start every single one of our day, our team reading, those Joy stories. So, if you would, and we appreciate your messages, copy and paste it, and put in a review, whether whatever platform you're engaging this. So, if you're watching on YouTube, make sure you post it down below and make sure you subscribe. ITunes, Spotify, YouTube. So you
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